Our projects
A programme that focuses on remedial proposals for children with conflict behaviour, victims of abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
ADOLES focuses on promoting actions that favour the integral maturing development of minors in a warm, welcoming and normalised context with all the ingredients of living together in a home.

In this project we focus our action on people whose unemployment situation puts them at risk of social exclusion and whose basic food needs are at serious risk.
The profile of this type of people is complex and generally contains conditioning factors that aggravate this situation. Lack of training, scarce resources to look for work, family conflicts and emotional problems, little work experience...; or people who, despite having adequate training, are unable to integrate into the labour market.

A programme that focuses on remedial proposals for children with conflict behaviour, victims of abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
ADOLES focuses on promoting actions that favour the integral maturing development of minors in a warm, welcoming and normalised context with all the ingredients of living together in a home.


Vocational training and certificates of professionalism are the best way to improve your work.
A second chance to get a foothold in the labour market and for many the only opportunity to prove their skills acquired through experience but which cannot be supported academically.
An open door to employment in Spain and Portugal and in the rest of Europe.
In this project we focus our action on people whose unemployment situation puts them at risk of social exclusion and whose basic food needs are at serious risk.
The profile of this type of people is complex and generally contains conditioning factors that aggravate this situation. Lack of training, scarce resources to look for work, family conflicts and emotional problems, little work experience...; or people who, despite having adequate training, are unable to integrate into the labour market.

Adoles is a project for minors in a situation of legal abandonment, dependent on the Protection of Minors of the Andalusian Regional Government, located in Cadiz.
Adoles has been managed for 15 years by the Agency and is fully consolidated, constantly trying to adapt to new educational and therapeutic strategies in order to offer the best response to the minors, taking into account their personal history and their expectations for the future.
It is a residential centre with a ratio of 12 places for minors from 11 to 18 years of age, both native and unaccompanied immigrant minors.
In the residential programme, where the children live in the most normalised context possible, a specific programme is simultaneously developed for children in situations of social conflict, where the difficulties generated by experiences of mistreatment or dysfunctional educational level are addressed.
By working with a multidisciplinary team of 15 professionals (psychologists, educators, social workers, trainers, etc.), a truly innovative programme is being developed that implements strategies through a model with strategies and techniques for dealing with resilient children who have problems with bonding, conflict resolution and interpersonal communication.
This resilient proposal is developed in a warm and familiar environment that fosters maturational development and healthy growth from an affective-normative framework that promotes personal autonomy and enhances strengths in an individualised way.
With a vision of comprehensive care, this socio-health programme covers all areas of the children's development: educational, training, social, leisure, physical and mental health, with the priority objective of family normalisation or alternatives to address the consequences or imbalances in maturity that children may have when they are in foster care.
Vocational training and certificates of professionalism are the best way to improve in the labour market.
A second chance to get on the labour market and for many the only opportunity to accredit their skills acquired through experience but which cannot be backed up academically.
An open opportunity for employment in Spain and Portugal and in the rest of Europe.
Caixa Foundation: 23000 €
Cádiz Provincial Government: 19.000 €

Este proyecto tiene cómo función principal la atención alimentaria de adultos y meno-res de la localidad de Puerto Real.
La atención en la alimentación en una población tan afectada por el paro y las crisis es un riesgo para el bienestar de las familias. A medio plazo, pueda generar una cronificación de esta situaciones.
La desesperanza de salir de estas situaciones de desempleo lleva a actitudes pasivas, subsidiarias y desmotivadoras por falta de expectativas.
Es por ello que GARUM pretende siempre ofrecer un modelo integral, de análisis de las situaciones familiares, apoyo emocional, de aprendizaje de estrategias de afronta-miento y de fomento de la formación para el empleo y aprendizaje de búsqueda de empleo.
GARUM also promotes an alternative project in summer with ISLAOCIO, which provides summer school for 50 children from families in situations of social exclusion, where, in addition to food, there is an educational and leisure programme. For these groups in a percentage of extreme situations, human attention and closeness are irreplaceable and provide them with a welcoming space of dignity and respect that gives meaning to each day.
Faithful to the principles of collaboration and cooperation, the Agency is a founding member of the Andalusian Network of Social Canteens, an initiative supported by the Regional Government of Andalusia, which currently brings together social organisations from Huelva, Seville, Malaga and Cadiz.
Andalusian network of social soup kitchens Junta de Andalucía: 35.000 €