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Our projects

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The Tourism House

The Tourism Home project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

The Tourism Home is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate.

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The Tourism House

The Tourism Home project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

The Tourism Home is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate.

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The Tourism House

The Tourism Home project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

The Tourism Home is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate.


The Tourism House

The Tourism Home project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

The Tourism Home is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate.

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El Programa "RED ANDALUZA DE COMEDORES SOCIALES" se presenta como un programa de continuidad dentro de una agrupación de entidades que les une una misma acción de trabajo: distribuir, elaborar y servir alimentos a los / as más vulnerables, así cubrir las necesidades más básicas facilitando recursos de primera necesidad e interviniendo en atenciones sociosanitarias de carácter urgente. Así, cada una de las asociaciones que se organizan en esta red lleva desarrollando, con una media de 6 años, programas de comedor social en distintos municipios y provincias andaluzas. Por ello, con la actual situación que vivimos, el aumento de demandas y las nuevas acciones que en materia pública han ido emergiendo nos ha llevado a desarrollar esta red andaluza de comedores sociales que a través de métodos de trabajo y protocolos de intervención comunitario e individuales comunes sigamos proporcionando la cobertura de alimentos de primera necesidad con carácter de urgencia e interés social.
La realidad nos obliga a reinventarnos, a desarrollar otras formas de trabajar con el fin de no duplicar recursos, trabajar en red con los organismos púbicos y privados y establecer un mapa organizativo y funcional de la red de comedores sociales en Andalucía.

El Proyecto CenaSanote se dirige a menores de familias en situación de vulnerabilidad, garantizando una alimentación equilibrada y saludable.

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Este programa de innovación social parte del hecho, más que evidente y probado, que las personas usuarias de comedor social tienen más dificultades para acceder al mercado laboral, encontrándonos en nuestra de red de comedores sociales numerosas situaciones de usuarios/as que no solo son parados/as de larga duración, sino que su situación es cronificada en el tiempo y no se encuentran en los sistemas normalizados que integran los mecanismos para la inserción sociolaboral de colectivos vulnerables; bien por su propio perfil o por no tener en cuenta los rasgos más específicos de este colectivo.

INTEGRA2.0 gira en torno a mejorar la inserción sociolaboral de usuarios/as de comedor social actualizando, mejorando e innovando en los procesos y metodologías para adaptarse tanto a las características específicas de esta población como a la era digital. Entendemos que en la actualidad es fundamental el uso de las tecnologías digitales para vivir, relacionarse o trabajo y, por tanto, las personas más vulnerables no pueden quedar excluidas de estos procesos.

El Proyecto INTEGRA2.0. implica una nueva forma de abordar los procesos de inserción sociolaboral, diseñando instrumentos
digitales (sistemas de inteligencia artificial / big data) que por un lado faciliten a las personas en exclusión social beneficiarias de
comedor social, la incorporación al mercado laboral y la integración social; y por otro lado, doten de instrumentos digitales al tejido empresarial local con el fin de crear canales de comunicación efectivos y eficientes entre las ofertas y demandas de trabajo.

The Tourism House is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate. The initial tendency is to think that this is a tourism project, but it is actually a social project that works with the tourism sector. It is a full inclusion project that takes a social approach to the tourism sector from a comprehensive and inclusive perspective.


The Tourism House project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

It places inclusion as the main focus of a project that goes beyond the vision of tourism as a leisure or entertainment activity to space for integration, education, personal development, solidarity and welcome. We start from the maxim that tourism is a citizen's right because of its educational, formative, cultural and integration value. And from there, we promote the approach of groups with physical, cognitive, sensory or any other kind of dependency to integral tourist proposals designed by specialised professionals to improve their quality of life.

The project involves a process of sensitisation, raising awareness and training of professionals in the tourism sector about these groups. Tourism companies still need to integrate this population as a target group as an important source of income, which means planning their proposals.

From the perspective of the people targeted by the project, social openness involves an expressed knowledge of their needs and also of the impact of certain experiences on people. People's brain development is especially related to their experiences. This has a much greater dimension in people in exclusion, people with cognitive deficits and people with other pathologies or dependencies.

The mobility of these people, their special needs, the need for specific offers for this group, the increase in the age of ageing, makes it of social and economic interest to make Andalusia an Inclusive Tourism destination at the European level.

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The Tourism House is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate. The initial tendency is to think that this is a tourism project, but it is actually a social project that works with the tourism sector. It is a full inclusion project that takes a social approach to the tourism sector from a comprehensive and inclusive perspective.


The Tourism House project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

It places inclusion as the main focus of a project that goes beyond the vision of tourism as a leisure or entertainment activity to space for integration, education, personal development, solidarity and welcome. We start from the maxim that tourism is a citizen's right because of its educational, formative, cultural and integration value. And from there, we promote the approach of groups with physical, cognitive, sensory or any other kind of dependency to integral tourist proposals designed by specialised professionals to improve their quality of life.

The project involves a process of sensitisation, raising awareness and training of professionals in the tourism sector about these groups. Tourism companies still need to integrate this population as a target group as an important source of income, which means planning their proposals.

From the perspective of the people targeted by the project, social openness involves an expressed knowledge of their needs and also of the impact of certain experiences on people. People's brain development is especially related to their experiences. This has a much greater dimension in people in exclusion, people with cognitive deficits and people with other pathologies or dependencies.

The mobility of these people, their special needs, the need for specific offers for this group, the increase in the age of ageing, makes it of social and economic interest to make Andalusia an Inclusive Tourism destination at the European level.

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The Tourism House is a platform developed through a web app at the service of social and inclusive tourism in which professionals and organisations from both sectors participate. The initial tendency is to think that this is a tourism project, but it is actually a social project that works with the tourism sector. It is a full inclusion project that takes a social approach to the tourism sector from a comprehensive and inclusive perspective.


The Tourism House project meets an objective set by the European Union for the year 2021, that of promoting inclusive tourism.

It places inclusion as the main focus of a project that goes beyond the vision of tourism as a leisure or entertainment activity to space for integration, education, personal development, solidarity and welcome. We start from the maxim that tourism is a citizen's right because of its educational, formative, cultural and integration value. And from there, we promote the approach of groups with physical, cognitive, sensory or any other kind of dependency to integral tourist proposals designed by specialised professionals to improve their quality of life.

The project involves a process of sensitisation, raising awareness and training of professionals in the tourism sector about these groups. Tourism companies still need to integrate this population as a target group as an important source of income, which means planning their proposals.

From the perspective of the people targeted by the project, social openness involves an expressed knowledge of their needs and also of the impact of certain experiences on people. People's brain development is especially related to their experiences. This has a much greater dimension in people in exclusion, people with cognitive deficits and people with other pathologies or dependencies.

The mobility of these people, their special needs, the need for specific offers for this group, the increase in the age of ageing, makes it of social and economic interest to make Andalusia an Inclusive Tourism destination at the European level.

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